-quarter of our planet is connected to the internet.
- web sets information free
- We've seen that when ordinary people fight for freedom and democracy
- web leads to openness and closeness more difficult (Sir Tim Berners-Lee)
- anyone who wants to participate, can participate. ( Clay Shirky )
- there is a flow of winners and losers.
- only in the beginning
- quietly the web is shifting power
- its accelerating globalisation
- cross traditional boarders
- reinvented warfare
- Twitter threatens
- Twitter was developed in Fran sisco - 2006 along with Facebook called social networking new way to stay in touch with friends.
- you can send a message called tweet 140 characters and is read by anyone who follows you
- you can do this by phone and computer
- a microcosm of the world - when started seemed for Geeks or people who wanted to tweet about their life.
- people who didn't use it in the beginning people thought it was another example of 'all about me'
- then Iran June 2009 - in the aftermath of presidential elections- people went out because of anger (riot) protesters turned to twitter to tell the people what has happened.- no media was allowed to report inside country.
- In just 18 days 2 million tweets sent outside Iran
- 2000 tweets about Iran posted in an hour
- information placed in hand of people
- after a young Iranian woman got shot - twitter became even more wild
- the web is shegging up world politics because it can capture information from a crowd eye witness and transmit is globally
- unlike live TV web video prompts instant reaction around the globe
- the web is like a tool box for protests
- the geeks who run twitter is not surprised of revolution
- ' openness is a revolution itself ' - (Biz Stone)
- authority unable to get grip with the web
- the webs linked information is connected to internet
- internet origins lies in the cold war when america and Russia was squaring up under the threat of holocaust.
- 1957- American gov got shock of their life when the Russians launched the first ever space satellite.
- Americans set up 'advanced research project agency' - given huge budget to beat the reds
- It gathered scientist told them to look into the future to invent something amazing.
- developed Arpanet
- 1970's similar networks around the world
- 1974 networks can speak to each other- sparks the global internet that we know today.
- packing switching perfect tool for computers to talk to each other
- allows huge data to transmit fast
- this had dramatic consequences for gov
- internet today links a quarter of the planet
- Mountain view California- keeps the internet flowing across the world
- individual countries like Iran cant shut down internet even if they want to because it is connected
- do they have the power to regulate do they have the power to turn the internet on and off ?
- wiki - leeks allows people to anonymously blow the whistle on gov and co-operations
- question of internet censorship is increasing - argues whether the audience can communicate freely in the future.
- Wiki- leeks has a database over 1.2 billion documents
- keeps no logs and keeps military grade inception to protect sources and other confidential information.
- Bill Gates - ' once you publish something to stop it is impossible'
- wiki-leeks under constant attack
- after wiki-leeks published allegation about attacks
- wiki-leeks site taken off line - by judges
- the new York times published their website (because people was interested)
- internet not controlled any more
- famous quote ' the net interprets as censorship as damaged ' Micth Kapor
-censorship is a blockage
- when organisation wants to block a web there is a geek who does that
- web enables individuals to go onto and interact
- Iranian gov blocked sites like twitter and Facebook
- 'paste -stack' - web secure way of Iranians to load sites that Iranian gov has blocked
- web gives citizens power to blow the whistle on wrong giving
- the web seems to take us back to before politics
- ''the web is not threatening to wipe the state'-David Runciman
- ' back in the day just voting was a way of expressing your feeling against politics' Leo Murray
- traditional politics - decreasing
- able to express your own views by logging into the internet
- web provides more than proof of protests
- nature of community has changed - before internet you have to be present, now you can decide you want to do something about climate change and log in to a climate website and you become a member of the communuity
- ' the web is a fantastic resource ' - web can throw up coalition over nothing
- the state can organise their fears and hope
- anyone can use it
- China - armsrace between citizen and the race.
- china is one party state - 60 years communist ruled with ion fist
- china has more people online than other nations - 253 million world effect on politics huge effect on state
- Chinese states plays cat and mouse with their citizens
- Hu Yong - Beijing University - 'web can be a threat'
- Ross Anderson - Cambridge University - ' uni students get information from the internet'
- the threats come from within the poeple themselves , the conversations they have
- massive earth quake 70,000 people washed away - communists buildings left
- taking videos and pictures and publishing it on twitter
- this is media generated inside the country
- got up to part 4 at 4:00 min.