Saturday 22 March 2014

NDM stories :

Fashion magazine Centrefold shoots on a Nokia mobile phone – in pictures

The summary of this aticle is that centrefold has shot it's entire 10th edition on the 41 megapixel lumia 1020. There is nothing more that this article contains except for images from the photoshoot. My opinion is that this is evidence from the fact that new and digital media is starting to take over, as usually photoshoots are shot by camera's, rather large camera's that are quite heavy to carry around, however, as they have used a smart phone this shows that the audience can get perfect images from taking pictures by a phone, suggesting that it is not necessary to buy a camera, also this s advertising the phone.

Damon Baker shooting model Sam Rollinson

TV licence fee evasion could be decriminalised :

The summary of this article is that there are many people who do not pay for thir TV license,as a result the government is to launch a fomal review of the law that makes it a crime not to pay for the TV license, following a campaign led by backbench conservative MP''s. The BBC believes the proposal could lead to reduced revenue and force it to axe services. A corporation spokesman said: "The BBC is content that this proposal balances a timely examination of this issue with a proper review of the options, while not taking any decisions prior to charter review.", another spokeman said,  "This is an issue that should be discussed in the round, including the potential impact on licence fee income and BBC output, with any decisions made as part of the charter review process. This amendment appears to be in line with that." Cases of people accused of evading the £145.50 fee accounted for more than one in 10 of all criminal prosecutions last year – with 155,000 people convicted and fined. It has led to the thought of  ministers looking at the option of blocking TV channels for non-payers as part of a possible move to bring in civil penalties for licence fee evasion.

Television license

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