Tuesday, 26 November 2013

NDM story 2

Scottish independence: BBC would be replaced by new broadcaster :

Reporting Scotland
. BBC shows such as Reporting Scotland would be replaced by a newTa Scottish Broadcasting Service, said the SNP white paper. 
. A new Scottish Broadcasting Service funded by the Scottish share of BBC licence fee income will be established if the nation votes for independence in next year's referendum.
. The Scottish National party said it would establish the SBS as a joint venture with the BBC, replacing BBC Scotland as the nation's licence fee funded public service broadcaster on TV, radio and online from the start of 2017.
. BBC shows such as EastEnders, Doctor Who and Strictly Come Dancing would still be available in Scotland via the SBS/BBC joint venture, the SNP is proposing.

NDM story-

BBC signs open data agreement

James Purnell

. Corporation signals its willingness to collaborate with the Open Data Institute and three other non-profit bodies.
. The BBC has signed an agreement marking its intention to use open data standards where possible and declaring its support for free and open internet technologies.
.  according to the BBC, will allow for closer collaborations between the broadcaster and each of the four organisations on a variety of mutual interests such as the release of structured open data and the use of open standards in web development. 
. "Since its formation just over a year ago the Open Data Institute has galvanised the debate around the economic and cultural value of open data, with the BBC taking an active role in the conversation and attending the recent ODI summit," said James Purnell, the BBC director, strategy and digital. "This MoU will give a shape to our discussions and help identify areas where we can work together to benefit the public, and I look forward to seeing the results."
. The BBC states that one of the aims of the agreement is to provide clear technical standards and models to other organisations wishing to work with it and to impart a deeper understanding of the technologies involved to those using the internet.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

How much are you hatred by the daily mail ?

- I am hated by the Daily Mail.

I think this website is a good idea for the newspapers in the digital age because this article/quizz focuses on how the company the daily mail has published a buzzfeed style called UsVsTh3m which allows the audience to interact and find out how much they are hated by the daily mail. Also the quizz helps the audience get an insight of what the daily mail hates.

My three ideas for the Us VS Th3m feature are :

. to include more games where people can interact more,
. make the quizzes a little more interesting
. make a comment box for the audiences to share their opinions.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

weekly dm story 2

Conservative party deletes archive of speeches from internet


David Cameron

. A speech in which David Cameron said the internet would help people hold politicians to account was among those deleted.
. The Conservatives have removed a decade of speeches from their website and from the main internet library – including one in which David Cameron claimed that being able to search the web would democratise politics by making "more information available to more people".
. The party has removed the archive from its public website, erasing records of speeches and press releases from 2000 until May 2010.
. The effect will be to remove any speeches and articles during the Tories' modernisation period, including its commitment to spend the same as a Labour government.
. The Labour MP Sheila Gilmore accused the party of a cynical stunt, adding: "It will take more than David Cameron pressing delete to make people forget about his broken promises and failure to stand up for anyone beyond a privileged few."


the government has the power to delete and add anything they like/dislike on the web.

weekly dm story

Oppose Cispa if you value any privacy in our digital world -


A computer user is silhouetted with a row of computer monitors at an internet cafe in China

. The US Congress is set to vote again on the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).
. Worthy ideas in the abstract, but horrible in the details: cyber-security is a genuine concern
. Companies have new rights to monitor user actions and share data – including potentially sensitive user data – with the government without a warrant.
. Cispa overrides existing privacy law, and grants broad immunities to participating companies
. Information provided to the federal government under Cispa would be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other state laws that could otherwise require disclosure (unless some law other than Cispa already requires its provision to the government).

. I think what the US government is wrong, clearly because people go onto the internet for different and more fundamental reasons than to talk about the government, therefore, the fact that the government has the right to look at what people are doing can be seen as offensive as many people have private things which they do not want anyone to know not even the government as it is privacy.

ndm summary

13/9/13  sexy selfies may upset parents, but they're part of growing up today.

              .  Tony about death threats spark federal investigations 
13/10.2013 - Google takes down more than eight 'pirtate' links every second -

13/10/13 - Are you an internet addict ?

20/10/13 - top web firms

20/10/13- bbc worldwide to take on netflix

31/10/13 - the media must stop obsessing over the dutches body

10/11/13 - teenagers say bye to facebook

10/11/13 - do you know where your children go online?

11/11/13 - daily mail quiz

11/11/13 -

14/11/13 - privacy in our digital world

14/11/13 - concervative party deletes speeches

WWW : I frequently post the new and digital media, often post two but in some cases I have only posted one, these new and digital media stories are beneficial as I can use them for revision preparing me for my exam !

EBI : I need to selevt a variety of articles and not stick to the same 'genre' each week, I also need to write more about my opinion towards the article and need to start highlighting the key information to make it easier for me to revise with.

Monday, 11 November 2013

The guardian - Buzzfeed

BuzzFeed president: 'We feel strongly that traditional media have given up on young people'

buzzfeed screen grab

BuzzFeed now has 85m monthly visitors, and says they're seeking hard news as well as memes
News site Buzzfeed attracted 85m unique visitors in August.
BuzzFeed's president and chief operating officer Jon Steinberg claimed the site is an increasingly important source of hard news for young people
. "We feel strongly that traditional media have given up on young people, and have not made a commitment to tell stories that are interesting for people under 40 or 50 years old," said Steinberg.
. BuzzFeed now has more than 100 full-time writers, with a growing proportion focusing on news and politics. Steinberg said that around 40% of the site's traffic comes from links shared on Facebook, and 70% from social sources in general.
Steinberg encouraged news organisations to think about social sharing throughout their production processes, rather than as an afterthought.
. Steinberg was backed up in his claim that traditional news broadcasters aren't serving the YouTube generation by fellow panelist Moeed Ahmad, new media department manager at Al Jazeera Media Network.
.Al Jazeera is launching a new online news channel for this audience called AJ+
. Ahmad stressed that AJ+ will not be trying to break news, but will rather seek to add "clarity through context" to news that is breaking on social networks.
. "Our aim with that is not to replace breaking news services, that you're going to get on Facebook and Twitter. What we're going to do is add the context," said Ahmad.

Daily mail quiz powers USvsTh3m towards 3m users :


This website will succeed in the digital age because many people use the internet and are online most of the time meaning they will visit pages that they see/recommended by. They will also play the quiz as an experiment on how it works and what sort of questions you will get asked, in order for them to see what the quiz point of view is. It is expected to reach 3 million unique users in October, It is said that users are encouraged to share their sources on USvsTh3m games and qizzes via social media, helping to get more audiences.  "Sharing stuff socially says something about you," said Trinity Mirror product director Malcolm Coles. "People want to identify with something that reflects their personality and says something about themselves. People were pleased that the Daily Mail hated them." this elevates the fact that it is likely for the quiz will pass the 3 million monthly unique user mark, due to social networking sites and people sharing their results. 

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Weekly DM story number 2

Do you know where your children go online?

Cal Davies, 16


. Cal Davies, 16: 'Most of my friends who have had ask.fm have received a question saying, "Why are you so ugly?" or, "When are you going to kill yourself?"' Photograph: Laura Pannack for the Guardian
.  staying safe online, doesn't seem to be getting through.
.  the online world is full of potential hazards to young people Sexting, bullying and sexual approaches from strangers are online dangers modern teenagers routinely face. And adults' knowledge of what young people are doing online is often vague and complacent.
. Nearly half of British children now have online access in their bedrooms, while a quarter of 12- to 15-year-olds owns a tablet of their own. The number of this age group using smartphones to send, receive and post photos online has risen significantly in the past year, and Ofcom points out that children's online safety skills have failed to rise at the same rate, with particular risks coming from the lack of privacy on social networking sites. Most parents of five- to 15-year-olds believe they know enough about the internet to keep their children safe, but, according to research by internet security system McAfee in 2012, four-fifths of teenagers say they know how to hide their online behaviour from parents.
. Quib.ly, says: "A big reason that children don't tell parents about abuse is that the default reaction of parents is to take the internet away from them."

Weekly DM story

Teenagers say goodbye to Facebook and hello to messenger apps :

Two teenage girls using smartphone
. Facebook is seeing a decrease in daily users - especially teenagers. Photograph: Image Source/Corbis.
. Facebook made a startling admission in its earnings announcement this month: it was seeing a "decrease in daily users, specifically among teens".
. teenagers are still on Facebook; they're just not using it as much as they did. It was a landmark statement, since teens are the demographic who often point the rest of us towards the next big thing.
. All the fun stuff is happening elsewhere. On their mobiles.
. When mobile messaging apps such as WhatsApp first emerged in 2009
. Mobile operators are estimated to have lost $23bn in SMS revenue in 2012 due to messaging apps, which host free instant messages through a phone's data connection, which these days is often unlimited.
. Now these apps are becoming a threat to established social networks too.
. according to Mobile Marketing Magazine, whatsapp has more than 350 million monthly active users globally.
. That makes it the biggest messaging app in the world
. with even more active users than social media Twitter, which counts 218 million. About 90% of the population of Brazil uses messaging apps, three-quarters of Russians, and half of Britons, according to mobile consultancy Tyntec. WhatsApp alone is on more than 95% of all smartphones in Spain.
In my opinion I think Facebook has started to die out and will continue to lose their users as there are many new operators being launched on a daily basis, a popular one is whatsapp which is free of charge, and works better than facebook as it is fast and many people have started to use it to send pictures to one another. There is also text messaging but you have to pay to send pictures which some peope refuse to do, hence the reason why whatsapp is becoming more and more popular.

The Great Levelling ?

The Great Levelling

. The web is remaking the world
. virtual reveolution ( broadcast on BB)
. Africa - small town Ghana - 'connecting humanity'
. sir tim berners lee - invented the world wide web
. 'digital divide' - difference between Africa and UK , digital haves and digital have nots
. 'connecting humanity'
. 2 billion people online
. bill gates - ' the internet now is how mankind communicates'
. 'empowering tool' ( Al Gore)
. Binary opposition - helps us challenge authority , government uses it for spying.
. web allows anyone to publish anything
. quater of planet uses web
. 35 million log on or more
. web is where 1 users a week
. newyork - second place in the world that mostly uses the web
. 5 million use dating web
. surveys say that up to 40% of british watch porn
. 18 million read blogs ( west london)
. challenges business models
. more than 65 million use wiki each month
. 14 million articles - annonimous writers
. enables ordinary people to shape thoughts together,
. 1985 'the well' without it facebook etc might not exist
. 'exciting revolutionary' ( all gore)
. 35 million use internet everyday.


. she compared internet revolution with industrial revolution
. people have equal access and an equal voice
. is wikipedia acuurate ? many people edit the page, its free.
. ' Steven Fried ' perfect acceptable information' ordinary people sharing kowledge
. 1960's individuals having freedom - libertarialism
. web and internet are not the same
. web = ink webpages , anyone can access anything
. internet = routes of 1960's american military hooked together wth telephone system
. deep underground development of the web
. 1954 12 european countries collaborated
. 1980 ' information management' a proposal his ideas, became world wide
. 1991 first website went online
. 'hypertexts' way of linking documents
. HTML link to other webmail networks
. no government to regulate - ultimate levelling
. web was set on coalition course - social order and hierachy
. kenya - good example that the internet can be used for social good
. ushahidi - means witness , people posting up abuses so gov was forced to protect people, this goes to show that the internet is important
. 'paradigm' , shift on a par with the printing press - revolutionary change
. birth of internet - first emerge 1960 - US military
. unique address for document -url universal language of internet
. internet resists authority- no hierachy - cant control 'open source' meaning anyone can access for free ( eg fire fox)
. 1975 radio, vietnam war just finished - bill gates arrived in mexico to work for company 30 years ago rocket enthistiasts
. altar
. basic programme- bill gates
. 1995 internet explorer set out competition
. microsoft more than 90% of market - monopoly
. master shortie publish videos on youtube
. corportae ideology - control and monterise internet
. on other hand internet is about collaborating
. napster
. more than a billion hits per day ( youtube)